Feedback: Red would send the wrong message

On the surface, Doris Nolan’s suggestion (Letters, June 23) that we support our troops by wearing red on Fridays is an excellent idea.

On the surface, Doris Nolan’s suggestion (Letters, June 23) that we support our troops by wearing red on Fridays is an excellent idea. Many of us have served in the military and most of us have family members who are currently serving in the armed services so we all applaud and support our military.

But, in today’s politically charged climate, wearing red could be interpreted as support for an administration that believes it is above the law. They lied to involve us in an unprovoked, pre-emptive war against Iraq and they are using our service men and women as expendable pawns in their game of world domination. When it was expedient, this administration arrested American citizens without due process and it detained and tortured POW’s without regard to the Geneva Convention rules. If this administration had its way, their supporters would be wearing brown shirts.

The first President Bush had more provocation to depose Saddam Hussein after Desert Storm but he wisely chose to control Saddam by limiting his air space, imposing sanctions and inspections rather than destabilizing the entire Middle East. You will probably say that the inspections were not working because they did not find weapons of mass destruction but it’s difficult to find what isn’t there. Rational thinking was obviously lacking in this administration.

T.R. Valdez

Oak Harbor