Feedback: Multiple chances typical in tests

Jim Larsen in his March 15 Editor’s Column bemoaned the fact that the state Legislature has approved a measure allowing high school students up to four retakes of the WASL. In his arrogance he has compared children who retake the WASL to drunk drivers and other criminals. In an attempt to help Mr. Larsen understand that the WASL isn’t some sort of educational breathalyzer I would like to ask him a few questions:

How many times does the average lawyer have to take the bar exam to pass? What about a doctor trying for his medical license? How about the airline pilot flying that 747, did he get his pilot’s license only after several attempts? How about the average person when they go for their driver’s license?

Why is it you feel 16-year-olds should only have one shot at passing the WASL, when the doctor who operates on you may have had to retake his exams multiple times before wielding that scalpel?

Berta Phillips
