Regarding the letter written July 7 by R. Whitecrow, and the rebuttal by J. Preston, July 10, I have a few thoughts to add.
I live within the city limits and my wife and I enjoy working a very small garden and a variety of flower gardens. It is most unpleasant to be weeding and confront the leavings of “my neighbor’s family member.” My daughter had two cats which we have tended to on many occasions and I assure you that they did not leave the house unless they were on leashes, and they did not leave any unwanted additions on anyone’s property.
As for me, I shall continue to trap your family member any time I can as long as the law says that it is my legal right to do so. By the way, I love to see my hummingbirds, my finches, my grosbeaks, my wrens and I used to enjoy my quail family until you started letting your family member invade my backyard, R. Whitecrow.
So let them wander, my trap is set for all R. Whitecrow-thinking citizens of Oak Harbor. In addition, I hope that more J. Prestons, if I may be so bold as to us her name along with mine, will join in setting a few more traps and turn the family members into the animal shelter. Maybe if it starts costing a few dollars to get them out, you will buy a leash. It’s much cheaper.
Larry Irvin
Oak Harbor