Feedback: County should be accountable

Inconceivably, the treasurer’s office sent back our tax payment check un-cashed. Yep, un-cashed.

I swear this is my last letter to the editor regarding property taxes, really. I did just have to get one more in. Inconceivably, the treasurer’s office sent back our tax payment check un-cashed. Yep, un-cashed. I know when I wrote the check, and I know when I mailed it, but it was postmarked a few days late. That said, I don’t know of any agency or creditor who sends back a huge amount of money to get less than $20 more in interest.

It took the treasurer’s office nearly a month to return our un-cashed check, which meant it arrived right around Memorial Day. They were demanding the interest by the end of May. Yet, because they took almost a month to send it back, by the time the check arrived in the mail, and I was home to read it, we were into the month of June, and the little interest we owed had more than tripled.

Yes, I could have avoided it all by going into the office to pay directly, but that’s never been a pleasant experience, and I’ve mailed in plenty of tax payments before. Let me just say this: It is evident that “We The People” are not going to be able to solve any of the nonsense that takes place at the treasurer’s or assessor’s office ourselves. A tax friend says mistakes happen constantly; no one holds them accountable, and they know it. It’s also apparent that we are not the only family that has had nightmare experiences with them repeatedly.

I strongly urge everyone who has taken the time to write a letter to the newspaper or who seriously questions the integrity of these offices to contact Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen. As a people, we obviously need to go higher. Contact her and share your personal horror stories. Ask her to get a full investigation going. If enough people do this, accountability can happen. Raise your voices and be heard. The meek may inherit the earth, but the meek won’t make Island County held responsible in this case. E-mail her at: or write her at 407 Legislative Building, PO Box 40410, Olympia, WA 98504-0410.

Luanne Raavel
