Wasting water is wrong. We waste water because it seems to be everywhere and seems to always be there at the turn of a tap. Our water supply is not endless.
Knowingly wasting any water is too much water wasted. The idea of water conservation means we take our water supply and its use for granted. We need to become aware of how, when and why we are using water again. Responsible use eliminates the need for conservation plans. Conservation plans generally only eliminate nonessential uses.
Writing as if water is limitless reminds me of the bumper sticker that read, “Who needs farmers while we have grocery stores?†Years ago in California there was an item on the evening news about a man being arrested for watering his lawn on a water conservation day. His defense: He saw farmers irrigating their fields as he drove home. If it was okay for them to irrigate, than it must be okay for him to water his lawn.
The context of water usage becomes just as critical as how much water is used.
Water is a valuable resource, and we should always use it sensibly. We always need to think about how we use this resource.
Closer to home on the city of Oak Harbor Web site is the statement, “Repair dripping faucets and leaking toilets, as these leaks will add to your water bill.â€
Oak Harbor appears to worry about the amount of your water bill when the real concern should be repairing the leaks to prevent water from being wasted. Politically it looks good for the city to appear to be concerned with its citizens paying … hmm, paying what? Paying too much? Paying for too much? Paying too much for wasting too much?
Repair dripping faucets and leaking toilets because they waste water, and knowingly wasting water is careless and irresponsible regardless of the monetary consequences. We do not produce any water. The water we need for daily consumption is processed through various treatment plants, but they do not create it. They do not produce it. They only process it. They get it from a river, from a lake or from a well (or from a pipeline, and as long as there is a pipeline, we don’t need to conserve – oops).
John E. Morelock