Environmental group knows laws, science | Letter

Oh what a wondrous web the Island County commissioners weave as they attempt to spin their record and Whidbey Environmental Action Network’s work. Are they really the tree huggers they suggest when they say that, “environmental considerations are at the forefront of our choices?”


Oh what a wondrous web the Island County commissioners weave as they attempt to spin their record and Whidbey Environmental Action Network’s work. Are they really the tree huggers they suggest when they say that, “environmental considerations are at the forefront of our choices?”

One need only pause pensively and then review the facts. Except for a brief period, the board of commissioners has been dominated by Republicans and we all know where they stand regarding environmental protection. Are they not known as the anti-science party that continue to deny the climate/ocean crisis? Reality is hard. History is clear.

As the members of the Citizen’s Growth Management Coalition, Whidbey Audubon Society and past commissioners Bill Thorn, John Dean and Angie Homola can tell you our Republican commissioners have doggedly opposed any wise growth strategies restricting development.

At one point in the process Judge  Alan Hancock had to order them to stop paying millions to an outside consultant.

The CGMC and WEAN have both won important cases against the county, which is why our Comprehensive Plan gets such high marks. WEAN in particular was applauded by the legendary and prescient Ron Simms and former Gov. Gary Locke for its work. WEAN was even cited in the Wall Street Journal.

This episode is another example of the commissioners wasting taxpayer dollars. They stalled on Fish and Wildlife protection for 11 years. Since 2012, there have been three decisions from the Growth Management Hearing’s Board and the Court telling them to get it done … to obey the law.

WEAN wins because we know the law and the science. Folks know Island County would be much different without WEAN. That is why we continue to have strong support by the community. No amount of Orwellian spin will change that.

Gary Piazzon, president