Elections: Election crimes goes to court

Evidence is growing that criminal activity probably occurred in the gubernatorial election.

Evidence is growing that criminal activity probably occurred in the gubernatorial election. The King County Council is requesting a Grand Jury investigation and the Evergreen Freedom Foundation have petitioned the U.S Attorney General for a Federal Grand Jury investigation. In an ineffectual effort, King County executive, Ron Sims, attempted to create an internal commission for “independent review.” Not even the King County Council bought this idea. We know false reports were filed leading Secretary of State Sam Reed to improperly certify this election. Falsifying election results is a crime. GOP chairman Chris Vance states, “When politicians aren’t interested in solving a problem, then convene a commission to study it.”

Soon, courts will decide after Gov. Gregoire completes months of accelerated taxation and flashes an election reform package, which ignored citizen input. Most of us guessed it would be an empty effort. Instead she has adopted institutionalized corruption rather than reform. Such “reforms” allow voters to be counted without ID, permits partisan officials to enhance ballots and allows counties to continue late mailings of ballots to our service members.

We have witnessed one of the sleaziest capers in plastic governance. An irregular, tainted election tally occurred under our noses and your Democrat representatives and senators will defend it to their death. They will even defend the disenfranchisement of our military votes. Washington, by the way, was the last of 50 states to send ballots to our military and the precise date of mailing is still withheld by the office of Ron Sims. No amount of logic or facts will dissuade leading Democrats from any other consideration including State Sen. Haugen.

Dino Rossi paraphrased … “I would not want to be governor with the uncertainty surrounding these elections … I would find it very difficult to consider myself a truly elected representative of the people.”

This is an historic time for our state. I applaud the legal challenge and courage of Gov. Elect Rossi. Additionally, there is a movement afoot to separate Eastern from Western Washington. Our Eastern half rightfully feels the lack of representation and believes they can only get it with their own state. The Cascades will separate us and I’m worried who might claim King County?

Finally, Dean Logan, the King County election director, is in the hot seat with a “newest” (10th) belated discovery of 94 absentee ballots, not recorded while Ron Sims defends him. How could anyone defend such complete incompetence, unless Sims is part of the problem? Meanwhile, Democrats defiantly defend the votes of more than 1,000 felons, students living in two locations and over 600 provisional ballots that were recorded without validation. Some ballots replicated at Kinko were sent through Acuvote machines without review.

Logan admits he knew this. This, although totally illegal, is defended by democrat operatives of King County and most state Democratic congressmen. More than 900 absentee ballots were counted in excess of registered absentee voters. Simple “mistakes,” Democrats claimed until now.

Even leadership Democrats are now concerned! They, and many others, are asking for the resignation of Dean Logan. Why would the establishment abruptly realize Logan is a liability? I believe the evidence is overwhelming as they realize fingers in the cookie jar have left prints.

Former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton states, “King County has the worst elections administration of any county in the United States of America.”

There is compelling evidence for a Grand Jury investigation. I predict Gov. Gregoire will rightfully be removed from office and look forward to a new and closely supervised election in November. I’m optimistic that recent laws signed will be rescinded as illegitimate.

Judge Bridges in Chelan has agreed to begin hearings in late May. Hopefully we will re-establish the principal of representative government and require voter integrity with identity checks. Stay tuned for a major shake up in the pervasive attitude of “politics as usual in State Government and King County.” We all will be better off when voter integrity is reestablished and the state is honestly represented.

Edward Drum
