Disappointed Swinomish opted to sue Oak Harbor | Letters

I’m disappointed that the Swinomish Tribe is seeking $9 million in damages from Oak Harbor. That’s almost $400 from every man, woman and child here. Certainly mistakes were made, but much effort has been made to respectfully deal with these mistakes. If the Swinomish community knew and cared about “the generations of their own ancestors who were buried there,” why didn’t they work with the planners during the initial stages?


I’m disappointed that the Swinomish Tribe is seeking $9 million in damages from Oak Harbor.

That’s almost $400 from every man, woman and child here. Certainly mistakes were made, but much effort has been made to respectfully deal with these mistakes.

If the Swinomish community knew and cared about “the generations of their own ancestors who were buried there,” why didn’t they work with the planners during the initial stages?

Truckloads of excavated material could have been delivered to the location of their choice within the beautiful current Swinomish location.

We’re all in this great country together as Americans. Nobody gave me any free land or special fishing rights. I earned that right.

I think that the Swinomish ancestors would be hanging their heads in shame at this attempt to grab a buck.

Cultures as recently as a century ago took from others because they had the power to do so. Many Native American cultures did the same. Do we have to continue to pay the price today for a different culture of earlier times?

We need to get along for who we are today. Nobody deserves a free ride.

Until this claim is dropped, I will buy my gas, fireworks, seafood, do my gambling and use a hotel for my visitors elsewhere.

Tim Verschuyl
Oak Harbor