Development: Cheaper fixes for downtown

It seems to me that the city administrators just want to spend needless amounts of money on needless things.

It seems to me that the city administrators just want to spend needless amounts of money on needless things. First the tree by the post office, now they want hire someone to find ways to bring in tourism. Maybe they should have a chat with the local merchants first.

Have you tried to shop downtown lately? Maybe if the stores where open when they say they are suppose to be. Or how about this — opened earlier and stayed open longer! I live here and don’t shop downtown, because of this. Why would anyone else want to?

And friendly. Some of these people need to take a course in customer service! Now don’t get me wrong. There actually are a few businesses you can count on to be open and friendly. Not many though. And have you tried to get on the island recently? It takes three lights to get through Sharpe’s corner and then you putt your way here.

And where are they suppose to stay once they finally arrive? I’ve heard talk about a hotel/convention center. What happened to that? Oops, forgot, the citizens don’t want big business here. Maybe that accounts for the lack of enthusiasm from the local merchants to attract shoppers to their stores.

Before you spend all this money hiring someone to fix your problem, you might want to take a look in your own backyard first.

P. Sweeney

Oak Harbor