Coupeville tries to retain its green

A popular patch of green space in Coupeville could receive a facelift sometime in the future.

A popular patch of green space in Coupeville could receive a facelift sometime in the future.

The town council recently approved a $19,000 contract with Bellevue-based JGM Landscape Architects to develop a master plan for the town’s community green. The field is located next to the library and is home to the town’s municipal parking lot and the Coupeville Farmers Market.

Mayor Nancy Conard said recently several factors led staff to look at developing a master plan.

While the municipal parking lot is a popular parking spot during major Coupeville events, motorists will spill over into the field, which can become extremely muddy when it rains. She hopes some kind of low-impact-development techniques could be used to expand the parking lot. Such techniques she’d consider would be a type of  paver where grass can grow through for the parking lot.

Conard said the farmers market, which has been operating Saturdays in the field, may want additional space for expansion in the future.

Town leaders have been working for years to decide the best way to use the open space. The town formed a stakeholder group a year and a half ago and the town has worked with the Whidbey Island Conservation District to start developing a plan for the property. It will hold community meetings to get people’s comments about how the community green should change. A date for those meetings hasn’t been announced yet.

The Coupeville Town Council went with the Bellevue-based company because if its history of fostering community participation in updating park projects in Bellevue, Renton and Puyallup.

Conard said the plan will result in modest improvements and the community green will retain its grassy field appearance.