Coupeville meeting offers forum for proposed ferry increase

The Washington State Transportation Commission is seeking public comments on a proposed fare increase for Washington State Ferries. The proposed fare increase would go into effect Oct. 1 and include a 2 percent increase on passenger fares and a 3 percent increase on vehicle fares. Then, starting May 1, 2014, the ferry system would tack on an additional 2 percent increase on passenger fares and a 2.5 percent increase on vehicle fares.

The Washington State Transportation Commission is seeking public comments on a proposed fare increase for Washington State Ferries.

The proposed fare increase would go into effect Oct. 1 and include a 2 percent increase on passenger fares and a 3 percent increase on vehicle fares. Then, starting May 1, 2014, the ferry system would tack on an additional 2 percent increase on passenger fares and a 2.5 percent increase on vehicle fares.

The fare increases are necessary to meet revenue goals set by the state legislature.

The Washington State Transportation Commission is tasked with setting the fares for the fare system.

The pending fare proposal also includes consolidating the Friday Harbor / Sidney B.C. fares into one round-trip fare; eliminating the motorcycle oversize surcharge; and implementing a reduced fare for vehicles less than 14 feet in length.

The transportation commission is holding several monthly meetings to allow public comments. A meeting is scheduled in Coupeville from 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, July 10 at the Commissioners Hearing Room in the Courthouse Annex Building.

People can also email comments to and by phone at 360-705-7070. They can also mail comments to WSTC Fare Proposal, P.O. Box 47308, Olympia, WA 98504-7308.

