Coronet Bay needs re-route

Thank you for publishing the temporary closure notice for improvements at the state park boat launch in Coronet Bay. The Sept. 3 front page News Briefs reported six lanes of launches will better serve the expanding number of boaters. Traffic flow and parking improvements are also scheduled for the busiest boat launch in the region. Coronet Bay is lucky to receive a first-class facility for recreational boaters.

Sadly, the state has turned deaf ears to community input and common sense in its decision to not re-connect or route differently Old Coronet Bay Road in the near future when Highway 20 changes. The Old Coronet Bay northbound exit road serves many and relieves congestion at the busy Deception Pass State Park entrance stoplight. This intersection will become the only access to the state park launch once Old Coronet Bay road is blocked. Closing a perfectly good access route to a facility acknowledged as popular and growing is dumb. Sorry to beat a dead horse, but this is typical bureaucracy not knowing what the other hand is doing.

Dundee Woods

Oak Harbor