Commissioner, Oak Harbor mayor team up for health campaign

Island County Commissioner Jill Johnson and Oak Harbor Mayor Scott Dudley aren’t normally known for their subtlety.

Island County Commissioner Jill Johnson and Oak Harbor Mayor Scott Dudley aren’t normally known for their subtlety.

The two outspoken politicians — some would say brusque — have teamed up for a surprisingly tame initiative aimed at gently coaxing Oak Harbor residents to live healthier.

It’s called “Best Spot in the Lot.”

The idea is to encourage people to exercise by parking in the back of parking lots and hoofing it to the store.

“It’s about small changes,” Johnson said. “A lot of little things can help people become healthier.”

Signs are now posted in parking lots all over town. And there’s a Facebook page for the campaign, complete with instructions on how to participate. There’s even an award for one lucky “hashtagger.”

Participants are supposed to challenge friends and themselves. They are urged to set a penalty for themselves if they get caught parking up front — like donating to charity or doing sit-ups.

Participants can take photos of themselves parked in the back of a lot, hashtag BESTSPOTINLOT and tag the store where they parked on Facebook.

A drawing for a Fitbit is Oct. 25.

It’s not quite the “ice bucket challenge,” but officials hope it will catch on.

Johnson said she was troubled by a presentation to the Board of Health that showed the city is struggling with obesity more than any other area of the county.

Johnson, an Oak Harbor native, said she’s noticed an attitude in the city that there’s not enough parking available if people have to walk a block to go to a business.

Johnson met with Dudley and the “Best Spot” campaign was born.

It may not turn everyone into marathon runners in itself, but the officials feel it can help change mindsets.

“It can help to keep physical activity in the forefront of our minds,” he said.

Dudley said he hopes that they can raise the bar and keep the local health initiatives coming in the future.

“There’s always more that we can do,” he said.

Johnson and Dudley challenged each other. Each time one of them cheats, he or she has to donate $10 to the Boys and Girls Club.

Johnson said she owes $20 so far.

No word from Dudley yet.