COER about money, not health, safety | Letter

Since moving back to Oak Harbor in 2010, I have been aware of the Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve, COER, and their seemingly endless list of complaints. From jet exhaust killing cows to jet noise “cracking livers” and everything in between.


Since moving back to Oak Harbor in 2010, I have been aware of the Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve, COER, and their seemingly endless list of complaints. From jet exhaust killing cows to jet noise “cracking livers” and everything in between.

Naval Air Station Whidbey Island has been an operating airfield since the early 1940s, and the Outlying Landing Field Coupeville has operated since 1943.

While the EA-18G Growler may be the newest naval aircraft in use, aircraft exercises are not new to the area.

In response to COER’s recent complaints, the Navy conducted an Environmental Impact Study, reduced flight operations at OLF and provided the community with updated flight schedules. They have tried their best to continue the necessary training for an effective and prepared military force while also being a responsible neighbor.

However, it still is not enough. COER wants nothing short of the Navy off of Whidbey Island. Their fight is not about our cows, livers, or kids … it is about money and we all know it.

Amity Dietz

Oak Harbor