City can do better with view property | Letter

Regarding the proposed rehab center on Bayshore Drive and Pioneer Way, I can only think of one thing — there goes another one of Oak Harbor’s prime waterfront locations.


Regarding the proposed rehab center on Bayshore Drive and Pioneer Way, I can only think of one thing — there goes another one of Oak Harbor’s prime waterfront locations.

It’s bad enough we have to have a sewage treatment plant sort of grandfathered in and existing three-story condos lining the shore, but surely the city can do better with the last piece of land that’s left.

I think it would be great to have the described rehab center in the city, for all the reasons given. But why on the last bit of waterfront we have? And with three stories that will block the view for the existing and potential businesses on Pioneer Way, how is that to enhance the downtown development effort?

If the city were to buy the property and do nothing more than leave it as it is, it would be better than what is proposed.

Oak Harbor can do better.

Lance Packer

Oak Harbor