Changing tax allocation takes collective voice | Letter to the editor

I had sent an email to Mayor Scott Dudley expressing my concern about the proposed art work. Your article says the art work will be paid out of a utility tax, which infuriated me and apparently a lot of Oak Harbor citizens. I was surprised and delighted when I received a phone call from Mayor Dudley on Sunday afternoon responding to my email.


I had sent an email to Mayor Scott Dudley expressing my concern about the proposed art work. Your article says the art work will be paid out of a utility tax, which infuriated me and apparently a lot of Oak Harbor citizens.

I was surprised and delighted when I received a phone call from Mayor Dudley on Sunday afternoon responding to my email.

Your paper is technically correct in that the art work is paid out of a utility tax but the way it works is like this, there is a 6 1/4 percent tax on utilities and the 1/4 percent is money that is set aside for the arts commission.

This was put into place sometime ago and I have to admit I should have been better informed but, nonetheless, the arts commission already has your money.

So the question now is as citizens do we want to change this? I would encourage you to think about that.

As it is we really do not have a say into what art is brought into Oak Harbor.

By calling me on a Sunday afternoon I believe it shows Mayor Dudley cares deeply about Oak Harbor and at the reckless way money was spent in the past.

As citizens we can change that.

Jerry Nydam

Winslow, Ariz.