Cedar Program stays planted

Cedar Program students will still enjoy attending classes at picturesque Camp Casey even though the Coupeville School District is still facing budget problems. School officials now recommend keeping the program in its current location near Fort Casey State Park. A group of parents and students didn’t like the idea of moving to the middle school and high school campus, preferring to stay away from the traditional school environment.

Cedar Program students will still enjoy attending classes at picturesque Camp Casey even though the Coupeville School District is still facing budget problems.

School officials now recommend keeping the program in its current location near Fort Casey State Park. A group of parents and students didn’t like the idea of moving to the middle school and high school campus, preferring to stay away from the traditional school environment.

Officials concluded it would be best to keep the program in its current location. There will be some reductions to the program that is offered, but Superintendent Patty Page said parents were willing to volunteer more to make up the difference.

Meanwhile, the Coupeville School District continues to address a significant budget problem.

Page said the shortfall now looks to be $679,000 in a budget of approximately $10 million due to declining enrollment and reductions in state funding. She is recommending that the school board consider $175,000 and $200,000 in further cuts to brace for even more cuts that will likely have to be made next school year.

Page pointed out that enrollment is still falling and the school district will receive less money from I-728, which helps reduce class size, next year.

“I’m recommending that we have to cut deeper this year to offset potential cuts next year,” Page said.