Bikes should be licensed

Why doesn’t Washington State require Bicycle License Plates? The plates would be renewed yearly just like automobiles and other vehicles. There are hundreds of thousands of bicycles using public streets – roads and bicycle trails that are provided for them at tax payer’s expense.

Why doesn’t Washington State require Bicycle License Plates? The plates would be renewed yearly just like automobiles and other vehicles. There are hundreds of thousands of bicycles using public streets – roads and bicycle trails that are provided for them at tax payer’s expense. All other forms of transportation using public streets are required to have a license even boats are required to be licensed. The revenue would be used to help pay for maintaining the streets and can also be used to provide additional bicycle trails as required. Any cyclist should be willing to pay a small fee ($25) for the opportunity to use public streets. When I was a kid growing up in Phoenix, AZ, we had bicycle license plates that also served for recovering stolen bicycles. The department of licensing would handle the additional revenue with the current staff.

William L. “Bill” Brayer
