AARP tax advisors need help

In order for the widely-used Whidbey Island AARP Tax Aide program to survive, volunteers are needed immediately.

The free program, which served more than 600 clients last year alone, is actively seeking people to undergo 24 hours of training to enable them to file tax returns for people unfamiliar with the process.

Karen Bishop of Greenbank has taken over the reins as local program coordinator. Volunteers use an IRS computer tax program that sends tax returns directly to the government agency.

“We’re considered IRS volunteers,” Bishop said, adding that the program focuses on people with low or moderate incomes, and elderly clients. “We send the forms and we have the acceptance back in 24 hours.”

The tax service covers Oak Harbor, Coupeville and South Whidbey. The greatest need for volunteers is in Oak Harbor and Bayview, Bishop said. In addition to tax return preparers, people are needed to greet clients and assist them with their forms.

“When you have 40 people waiting, the process can take up to two hours,” she said. “We will take their names and then they can go out, do some shopping, and come back.”

The process and logistics of the program are still being streamlined to maximize efficiency and help as many people as possible.

“There’s a big demand,” Bishop said.

Volunteers need to be adept at filing tax returns and at ease using computers. Tax preparers are not able to file their own returns using the system.

“They have to be comfortable, not only with the tax program, but with the computer,” the coordinator said.

John Bolte of Coupeville will perform the lead training, which will be given six hours a day for four days Jan. 23 through 26.

“Right now we’re pushing for really good people who can give the hours,” Bishop said.

The program will run in February and March. In January the specific places and times will be advertised. Volunteers are required to serve four hours a day, but many choose to put in six hours.

Louise Guinn of Oak Harbor has been using the program for 15 years. She effusively praised the topnotch, and free, tax assisters.

“It’s been very good and everybody’s been very cooperative and helpful,” she said. “They go out of their way to help. It doesn’t cost anything, so that’s great too. I’m most grateful to have it.”

Guinn also said the program has a very able coordinator in Bishop.

“If anybody can organize things it’s Karen,” she said. “God bless her.”

The volunteer tax assisters will prepare forms 1040EZ, 1040A with schedules 1,2,3 and EIC; 1040 with schedules A, B, EIC and R; 1040-V, 1040-ES, 2441 (child and dependent care credit), 8812 (additional child tax credit), and 8863 (education credits.)

They will not prepare Schedule C (profit or loss from business), Complicated and Advanced Schedule D (capital gains and losses), Schedule E (rents and royalties), and forms SS-5 (requests for Social Security number), 2106 (employee business expenses), 3903 (moving), 8606 (nondeductible IRA), and 8615 (minor’s investment income).

For more information about the program or to volunteer, call Bishop at 678-3829 or Bolte at 678-0821.