Whidbey Island Orchestras perform

Whidbey Island Orchestras announces its first concert and reception of the 2010-2011 season

Whidbey Island Orchestras announces its first concert and reception of the 2010-2011 season. Its two orchestras, Whidbey Island Youth Orchestra and Whidbey Island Community Orchestra, will be performing a joint concert at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 12. The concert will be at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 5217 Honeymoon Bay Road, north of Freeland. There will be a reception with light snacks following the concert. There is no charge to attend, but donations are gladly accepted.

The Youth Orchestra will be featuring a mix of music ranging from Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” to an assortment of young-people’s compositions from the 20th Century. The Community Orchestra is featuring works by Corelli, Mozart, Bach and Saint-Saens.

Both orchestras have openings for new musicians. Whidbey Island Youth Orchestra is open to musicians under 21 who have the basic musical skills for reading music and playing in ensembles. Beginning this year, the Youth Orchestra is open to young woodwind musicians as well as string musicians. The Community Orchestra is open to all orchestral winds as well as strings.

For information about the concert or about joining one of the orchestras, please contact Bill Halstead, 360-320-8905 or via e-mail at billmvg@gmail.com or

Youth Orchestra Coordinator Sheri Kelly 360-341-3130 or via e-mail at james.kelly1@juno.com. The orchestras’ website it www.whidbeyorchestras.org.