The idea entered Che Edoga’s head one night, as he turned to a television show about a group of heavyweight Romanians pulling a Boeing 747 aircraft. The next day at work, Edoga, a robotics and biology teacher at Oak Harbor High School, joked with history teacher Peter Esvelt about visions of pulling a fully-loaded semi.
As the media’s coverage of the war in Iraq has waned, Cathy Caryl’s ongoing, and very active interest in the conflict has only strengthened her commitment to helping the troops.
In its 33rd year, Choochokam Arts is proving to be the place for celebrating Langley’s rich arts history, while welcoming new sights, sounds and adventures to the lineup in 2008.
Long-time Oak Harbor resident Dorothy S. Waite finally “walked the walk” at a Washington State University commencement ceremony in Pullman.
Even before her marriage to Bill Waite in 1972, her dream was to earn a college degree. But over the years, life somehow got in the way. She worked a full time job as office manager for Olson & Hartman pediatric dentistry for the past 23 years, during which time she also managed to raise and nurture two sons which was always her highest priority.
Students like Laura Harkins exemplify the most dedicated side of today’s youth.
This soon-to-be Coupeville eighth-grader won the first-ever gold medal awarded for the Junior Web site category at National History Day.
Oak Harbor’s Old Fashioned Fourth of July began with a parade down Pioneer Way at 11 a.m. Streets were jammed with local families and out-of-towners waving miniature American flags. Check out the video below and be sure to pick up the next edition of the Whidbey News-Times for more of the highlights.
Still fresh in office, car salesman turned politico talks plans for the city’s waterfront, time with the grandkids & life…
Green is more than currency or an eco lifestyle.
If you ask any Whidbey Island sailor the best time of the year to hit the water they’d say “any.”…
For one 24-year-old Oak Harbor native, life is lived at hundreds of degrees. Her eyes sparkle like glass. Her future…
Sex, sour balls and love at any age
The Greenbank Artists is an informal group of artists who get together every Tuesday to create art. They meet at the fire station on Race Road from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Currently, there are approximately 20 members.
Saturday’s 10th annual Garden Tour and Tea, presented by the Oak Harbor Civic Garden Club, will feature water installations, orchards, sculptures and masterful landscaping at seven local homes.
Beginning at 10 a.m. June 28, visitors can drive to “garden one” at 1315 Monroe Landing Road. The house is owned by Kellie Hampton and was built in 1955 by Commander Robert Tull. Today, it is an adult family care facility.