Concordia Church in Oak Harbor goes with strawberries | Religion Notes

Concordia Lutheran Church (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) 590 N Oak Harbor St., Oak Harbor, will again host Concordia’s Thrivent Chapter sponsoring the annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, July 7, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. On the menu: Strawberry shortcake, strawberry milkshakes, strawberry sundaes, and strawberry pie. A portion of all donations will be matched by Thrivent and the funds raised will go to a fund assisting a Whidbey Island family with large uninsured medical expenses. Call the church office at 675-2548 or email

Concordia Lutheran Church (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) 590 N Oak Harbor St., Oak Harbor, will again host Concordia’s Thrivent Chapter sponsoring the annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, July 7, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.  On the menu: Strawberry shortcake, strawberry milkshakes, strawberry sundaes, and strawberry pie. A portion of all donations will be matched by Thrivent and the funds raised will go to a fund assisting a Whidbey Island family with large uninsured medical expenses. Call the church office at 675-2548 or email