Wrong venue for bagger critic

I read with surprise and dismay the letter to the editor from Mr. Steve Peck. Not only was it rude, but in the wrong venue!  It should have been in the Northwest Navigator and not in a civilian paper.

I read with surprise and dismay the letter to the editor from Mr. Steve Peck. Not only was it rude, but in the wrong venue!  It should have been in the Northwest Navigator and not in a civilian paper.

I was in the Navy for 32 years plus retired for 20 years. You are “treated as you treat,” and my wife and I have always been polite to the baggers and get respect in return.  We use, and have always used, the military facilities and have found many customers to be rude and impolite!  

I suggest we all make an effort to be more congenial to everyone. Always remember, when you point a finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you!

Gary Fisher

Oak Harbor