Why Obama must go, in 250 words

This is in response to Trudy Sundberg’s letter (“Obama pulled us from the brink”) Whidbey News-Times March 5. The paper plainly states letters not to exceed more than 250 words. I would like to know why her letter-blasting Republicans failed to follow your rules? She states how remarkable Obama’s stimulus worked even though our debt is over $14 trillion and unemployment is above 9 percent. It’s amazing out of the three auto giants only Ford declined any taxpayer bailout. Sundberg states how GM made a $4.5 billion profit, however Ford made a $6.6 billion profit without any government interference. She fails to comment on Chrysler’s $652 million loss. The only thing you got right is calling Obama a socialist.

This is in response to Trudy Sundberg’s letter (“Obama pulled us from the brink”) Whidbey News-Times March 5. The paper plainly states letters not to exceed more than 250 words. I would like to know why her letter-blasting Republicans failed to follow your rules? She states how remarkable Obama’s stimulus worked even though our debt is over $14 trillion and unemployment is above 9 percent. It’s amazing out of the three auto giants only Ford declined any taxpayer bailout. Sundberg states how GM made a $4.5 billion profit,  however Ford made a $6.6 billion profit without any government interference. She fails to comment on Chrysler’s $652 million loss. The only thing you got right is calling Obama a socialist.

In my lifetime, I have never seen this country so divided including the Vietnam era. I believe this is causing havoc on the entire world. You denigrate President Reagan’s legacy even though he was re-elected in one of the biggest landslides in political history. This even includes our state. Obama failed to keep any of his promises to get him elected. I believe Obamacare will ultimately be repealed. After that, Obama hasn’t done a thing except spend money.

When $500 billion is cut from Medicare you won’t find a doctor in Oak Harbor within a 75-mile radius. This nation can solve this country’s problems by making this president a one-termer. Wake up Ms. Sundberg and see what is happening in this world. I’m playing by the rules. My letter is under 250 words.

William Ludlow
Oak Harbor