Whidbey Island supports its jazz

The purpose of this letter is to thank the wonderful, enthusiastic, packed-house Parker Hall audience who made the April 2010 Whidbey Schools Jazz Concert a tremendous success. You certainly showed that Whidbey Islanders not only support their schools but particularly the music education of their students. You also showed you know how to move in your seats to the rhythm and sound of good jazz music!

The purpose of this letter is to thank the wonderful, enthusiastic, packed-house Parker Hall audience who made the April 2010 Whidbey Schools Jazz Concert a tremendous success. You certainly showed that Whidbey Islanders not only support their schools but particularly the music education of their students. You also showed you know how to move in your seats to the rhythm and sound of good jazz music!

You were privileged to bear witness to some of the finest jazz ever performed on Whidbey. In fact, these bands are among the best in the entire country.

Each school’s ensemble had its own unique qualities and I know from audience comments that many of you were amazed by what you saw and heard. Particularly noteworthy was Oak Harbor High School’s final number which included a vocal/dancing surprise that was a real “show stopper!”

It was a night some life-time memories were made and Wildcat TV captured it to create professional-quality DVDs. These will be available in the next few weeks (Contact Jerry Jones at 679-2066).

The Whidbey Island Jazz Society scholarship program will again have recipients this year and planning is ongoing for next year’s concert. It’s a win-win program for students and audiences.

Again, thanks for all of you in the audience. Enjoy the night’s memories. It couldn’t have happened without you.

Jerry Jones

Whidbey Island Jazz Society