Watch out for uninsured drivers

I would like to share information I was not aware of with all drivers. I was informed of this today by the Oak Harbor Police Department: If an uninsured motorist hits you in a parking lot, the driver will not be cited.

My 17-year-old son bought his first car this summer. He worked hard as all of us do to buy a car and insurance. My son and I were shocked at just how much insurance was for a 17-year-old male. He secured a job to pay his insurance as all responsible drivers do.

Last Friday after he deposited his paycheck he was hit in the bank parking lot. He called us, his parents, and the police even at the protest of the driver who was at fault. The driver made grand claims that he would pay for the damage and they didn’t need to contact the insurance or police.

However we always instructed our child to call the police no matter what.

The driver provided an insurance card so we thought no problem! Well, after the driver refused my son’s calls I called and left messages. Then I called his insurance; he had dropped his policy over a year ago. Now I’m angry. I call my insurance and the OHPD. OHPD states, “Well no ma’am, we are not going to cite him . . . you do not have to be insured in a parking lot.”

So drivers be aware of this. We came from another state as many of us do in Oak Harbor and assumed you need insurance to drive in a parking lot.

I’m thinking this guy (the driver is from Freeland) drove all around town. The officer watched him pull back out onto Highway 20 and drive away. So he is not going to be cited?

Then I was asked by the officer, “Well, you have uninsured motorist, right ma’am?” Well yes, but the deductible.

“Well ma’am you can sue him for the deductible and rental car.”

Wow, great news!

If the driver does not have insurance or a job I can see the writing on the wall, good luck getting money out of him.

Now if he was cited and didn’t pay the ticket he would be punished by the police. The city of Oak Harbor sees to it they get their money.

I would however like to revert to embarrasing this driver. For all the residents in Freeland where the driver lives if you see a white, 1984 Volvo station wagon with front grill damage and a man in his late 50s driving, he is uninsured. To the driver my only wish is that your name could be printed. You should be ashamed of yourself. If a 17-year-old works and pays for insurance certainly you should. Great exapmle someone your age set, but it is a lesson learned for him that adults are not always responsible and will lie and get away with it.

I would like to thank the police officer for all he did knowing that his hands were tied on issuing a citation.

Ms. B.L. Tucker

Oak Harbor