‘Upstart’ seen as offensive by Homola supporter

Your Oct. 15 article on page 1, “Opposites attract in county race,” needs some clarification. The lead commentary, “Veteran McDowell vs. upstart Homola,” is both demeaning and inaccurate, in my opinion. Webster’s dictionary states: “Upstart: 1. a person who has risen suddenly from a humble position to wealth, power or importance, esp. one who is presumptuous or arrogant.”

Now, had your lead article stated: “Good ol’ boy McDowell vs. upstart Homola” I might have excused your choice of words since you would have placed inferences on both candidates. “Good ol’ boy: 2. a person, esp. a man, belonging to a network of friends and associates with close ties of loyalty.” It is obvious where the loyalties of The Whidbey News-Times are: squarely in the McDowell camp.

Angie Homola, on the other hand, is a person of determination and grit. She is working hard, with great diligence, to present an opposing set of values to the voters of this county. No, she does not have great sums of money to place huge, in-your-face posters from one end of the county to the other; rather she is relying on the intelligence of a great number of supporters to carry her to victory in the coming election.

Peggy Burton
