Town statement well reflects citizen needs


The Coupeville Town Council, along with Mayor Molly Hughes and our Town Planner Owen Dennison, met Tuesday night to review the town’s response to the Navy’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

This was a working meeting. The public was invited to attend but not comment at this time. There will be meetings in the future at which we can comment, and written comments are being accepted at this time.

At a previous meeting, the town voted to spend $15,000 to hire a consulting firm to review the DEIS and provide input ensuring that their response is accurate and complete.

I was impressed with Mayor Hughes’ commitment, hard work and diligence in putting together the letter to the Navy. She and the town planner have developed a response that accurately reflects the concerns of Central Whidbey citizens, our quality of life and the socio-economic well-being of Coupeville.

I was impressed with the work of the council members, their comments and recommendations, and the good rapport between mayor and members. The council, mayor and planner are intent on delivering a message to the Navy that is fair, fact-based and informed.

At one point in the session, a councilwoman addressed concerna that often anyone addressing the elimination of increased flights at the OLF is “Unpatriotic.” Such is not the case. They are patriotic, love this country and recognize the need of the military for our country’s security.

They are addressing our quality of life, economic well-being, and health and safety issues. Thank you Mayor Hughes, Dennison and town council for your hard work now and in the future.

Roxallanne Medley

