Greg Banks (News-Times, Jan. 13) is quoted as saying, “I expect the loyalty of my deputy prosecutors, and I’m entitled to the loyalty of my deputy prosecutors.” If there is evidence that Mr. Banks is correct 100 percent of the time and never wrong in anything he does, or directs, as prosecutor, then he should have some support. But I know of no one who is correct 100 percent of the time, therefore 100 percent backing, 100 percent of the time, is 100 percent wrong.
Having served over 44 years in the military and as a field service representative with the military, I have had a number of cases where I did not agree with my superiors and voiced my objections. I have also had cases where my juniors did not agree with me. In all cases the problems were resolved and we all continued to do our jobs to the best of our ability. To this day I am still in friendly contact with some who were my seniors and some who were my juniors.
One who was my senior physically shoved me out of his office following one of our disagreements. We continued to have our ups and downs but had a very good working relationship. I took leave from Vietnam and flew back to stand in his retirement formation. I’ve had some juniors who played “yes men” to most everything I said. I considered them almost worthless as they added nothing to the ongoing program, just endorsements, 100 percent of what I said.
From the Jan. 13 article in the Whidbey News-Times I get the idea Mr. Banks thinks he and he alone is correct. Do it his way, or you are history. A guy named Adolph Hitler had the same idea for Germany. History tells us of the damage to Germany following those guidelines. Some objected to his policies. They soon were gone.
Robert D. Brown
Oak Harbor