Time for fresh voices on hospital’s board | Letter

I think the two incumbent members of the hospital board have had their chance to make changes to improve Whidbey General Hospital, and they failed. Why put them back in office and expect anything to change?


I think the two incumbent members of the hospital board have had their chance to make changes to improve Whidbey General Hospital, and they failed. Why put them back in office and expect anything to change?

Now they are making a lot of promises of how they are going to improve the hospital.

They didn’t do anything in their first term; why should we reelect them? They fell in line with the other members of the board and kept everything secret and hidden from the public.

If the public really wants to improve Whidbey General, we need to replace the entire board with new people who actually care about the hospital and its image.

We have a new CEO and that is a step in the right direction. Now let’s get a new board starting with replacing the two incumbent members of the board.

Let’s start with electing Erika Carnahan and Rob Born.

T.J. Lamont

Oak Harbor