Taxpayer outraged by hospital’s secrecy | Letter

I really appreciated the editorial, “New hospital CEO must back promises with action.”


I really appreciated the editorial “New hospital CEO must back promises with action.”

I, too, had recognized the irony of the new CEO promising a commitment to transparency on one hand while Anne Tarrent — the hospital board’s president — scolded the reporter for asking about the details of (apparent new CEO) Geri Forbes’ hiring and contract.

What an outrage. The taxpayers aren’t entitled to details about a taxpayer-supported institution? What? Really?

The hospital gets a pretty hefty chunk of my property tax payment, but they do not want me to know how that money is spent? There’s a saying that seems to fit this attitude perfectly, and that is, “Those with nothing to hide, hide nothing.”

Congrats to the reporter who keeps asking the tough questions.

Pat Palla
