Sell high school stadium, transfer funds

Until there is a proactive slashing of needless expenditures, I am voting no on Oak Harbor School District levies 1 and 2.

The jockheads conned voters into approving the levy for the high school stadium, daring the public to reject the follow-on levy for education. Now, thanks to a skewed priority and the reported need to expand funding for maintenance and math, we face new levies while this gray elephant drains funds.

Rent, sell or raze it. Then transfer the funds for scholastic needs.

I was a varsity letterman at a college with a history of sustained academic excellence, but with shabby facilities for the sport of my choice. The nearby Ivy League school graciously shared its facility with us and the team traveled to their campus several times a week.

Sixty years later, athletic programs at my alma mater are funded appropriately, and a student-athlete only adds another hyphen to the body of student-scholars.

Then, as now, the setting of priorities and making wise choices in funding are inviolate ground rules for school boards. And voters everywhere.

Cryil L. Greig

Oak Harbor