Washingtonians, our state is being hijacked in Olympia. Over the last four years, our state government had acquired a $2.6 billion debt that must be addressed. Instead of looking to cut the spending to balance the budget, our lawmakers are going to tax our way out of it.
On Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010, our legislature voted to suspend the people-approved I-960 measure which required all tax increases to require a two-third majority to become law, and that all proposed tax increase proposals be made public. Our legislature did this at approximately 11 p.m.
I have tried to contact Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen several times concerning this issue and have never received a reply from her office. It seems she does not care what her constituents think concerning this issue I consider this an outrage.
Please contact your state representatives and let them know how you feel about more tax increases. I sense that Olympia is about to dramatically increase our taxes at every level available. Sen. Haugen can be reached via email at: haugen.marymargaret@leg.wa.gov
Bryan Martin
Oak Harbor