Report repeated party calls | Letters

I am a registered member of the Democratic Party and have already voted in this election. That being said, I would like to know why I am being called by the Republican Party, particularly Barbara Bailey.

I am a registered member of the Democratic Party and have already voted in this election. That being said, I would like to know why I am being called by the Republican Party, particularly Barbara Bailey.

Even after I asked for no more phone calls, I have had more. I also have been inundated with mailings, again from Barbara Bailey. Those I just throw out.

The worst of this is, I received an email in an account that has been devoid of any political ads, from none other than Barbara Bailey.

How did her campaign get my email address? Has my voter registration been changed from Democratic Party to Republican Party? Are my votes going to the candidates I choose?

With voter suppression rampant this year, perhaps we should all be aware. I encourage anyone who has experienced what I have to report it to your electoral authorities.

Diana Brown

Oak Harbor