Reelecting incumbents same as ‘rubber stamp’ | Letters

Editor, I am writing concerning the numerous letters denouncing new candidates for Oak Harbor City Council. It is disheartening to me that the mindset of some individuals who take the time to write letters as concerned citizens is, “vote against any candidate supported by the mayor.”


I am writing concerning the numerous letters denouncing new candidates for Oak Harbor City Council.

It is disheartening to me that the mindset of some individuals who take the time to write letters as concerned citizens is, “vote against any candidate supported by the mayor.”

Anyone who says, “do not rubber stamp the mayor’s choices” is saying “rubber stamp” the current city council.

Promoting current council member’s while shooting down new candidates without knowing them is promoting ignorance.

Personal opinions and agendas like these defeat the ideals of democracy. Danny Paggao has been in office for 20 years. It is mind boggling to me the letters stating “do not rubber stamp” the mayor’s choices, yet their answer is to “rubber stamp” Danny Paggao.

Are we going to “rubber stamp” Danny Paggao for another 20 years or until he retires and then appoint someone else?

In my opinion, Position 7 is the most important seat to consider because it is the seat in the most need of change. I would advise anyone reading this, including the authors against the mayor’s choices, to reach out to Mike Piccone and talk to him personally, find out what he stands for and make your own informed decision.

If you are not even considering voting for Mike Piccone because the mayor endorsed him, then not only are you making an uninformed decision, you are not supporting democracy.

Tom King

Oak Harbor