Put bond on hold till WGH is in the black | Letters

Editor, Let’s see if I have this right; The hospital wants us to loan it $50 million to upgrade the buildings when they are bleeding, pun intended, enormous amounts of money at at time when its revenue stream is up in the air due to Obamacare, Medicare cuts, Medicaid changes, reduced doctor and hospital reimbursements, massive increases in regulatory costs plus extra taxes on durable medical equipment?


Let’s see if I have this right; The hospital wants us to loan it $50 million to upgrade the buildings when they are bleeding, pun intended, enormous amounts of money at at time when its revenue stream is up in the air due to Obamacare, Medicare cuts, Medicaid changes, reduced doctor and hospital reimbursements, massive increases in regulatory costs plus extra taxes on durable medical equipment?

How about this — when the hospital can show me they are in the black, when the dust clears from Obamacare, state and insurance payments so they have predictable income, when they make a case they can repay the “loan,” then call back.

I really doubt patient care will suffer if they have to use the old building for a while longer.

Rick Kiser

Oak Harbor