Price Johnson shows a disregard for the facts | Letter

Editor, Commissioner Helen Price Johnson’s, a Democrat, assertion that starting a meeting of the Island County Commissioners with a prayer is “not allowed under the state Constitution” flies in the face of the fact that such prayers routinely occur at places like the state House of Representatives in Olympia.


Commissioner Helen Price Johnson’s, a Democrat, assertion that starting a meeting of the Island County Commissioners with a prayer is “not allowed under the state Constitution” flies in the face of the fact that such prayers routinely occur at places like the state House of Representatives in Olympia.

True to form, Ms. Price Johnson yet again demonstrates her ability to disregard actual facts and reality when they do not suit her progressive political agenda.

Moreover, Ms. Price Johnson’s use of multiple Bible quotations as argument with her fellow county commissioners during a commissioners’ work session was a new twist on twisting the Bible to suit one’s politics.

What’s next?

Copying quotations from a Qaran, Torah, Book of Mormon, Book of the Dead, Baha’i Literature, Book of Shadows, or a Course in Miracles directly into Island County Code?

While Ms. Price Johnson’s offerings as my publicly elected official are, as usual, disappointing, Commissioner Jill Johnson’s position on this issue is actually much worse.

Jill Johnson, a Republican, has clearly expressed that, in her capacity as our publicly elected representative, she is extremely intolerant of other people’s religious views that differ from her own and that she prefers to muzzle such folks instead of treating such speech as being protected under the First Amendment.

In doing so, Jill Johnson belies her oath of office and confirms that she has beliefs which run completely contrary to the official platform of the Republican Party.

Do the Democrats want her?

As far as I am concerned she is available.

William Burnett

Oak Harbor