Place costs on developers

Yes, Bill Oakes states road costs escalate and wants to get more money from property owners.

What does he think about property owners’ expenses increasing and almost out of control?

Property taxes have doubled since I’ve retired but my income hasn’t changed.

Most Whidbey employees receive sub-par wages and many receive no benefits.

Let’s shift the burden of these costs to those who are the cause of this. Those who benefit the most. Yes, the land speculators, land developers, construction companies, building suppliers, and realtors.

The voters are in a bad mood and local, county, state and federal elected officials better start representing the voters who elect them rather than the special interest people who donate campaign money but only have one vote!

More people and houses don’t improve the quality of life on Whidbey but it does put extra burdens on highways, schools, police and fire protection and the environment.

Be aware, politicians, as you may have to look for new employment.

Bill Gallagher
