Pickard ‘hit piece’ is a new low for newspaper | Letters

The article in the Sept. 28 edition of the Whidbey News-Times of an interview with Ken Pickard, president of Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve (“COER”), is a new journalistic low. Pickard, on behalf of COER, had written an extensive letter extending an olive branch to the Navy and to the Oak Harbor Community following the Navy’s acquiescence to perform an Environmental Impact Statement in response to COER’s lawsuit. The News-Times declined to print that letter, deciding to interview Ken instead.


The article in the Sept. 28 edition of the Whidbey News-Times of an interview with Ken Pickard, president of Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve (“COER”), is a new journalistic low.

Pickard, on behalf of COER, had written an extensive letter extending an olive branch to the Navy and to the Oak Harbor Community following the Navy’s acquiescence to perform an Environmental Impact Statement in response to COER’s lawsuit.

The News-Times declined to print that letter, deciding to interview Ken instead.

Then, when Ken couldn’t be baited into making any inflammatory statements during the interview, you drug up old comments to create a controversy where there was none.

The News-Times completely mischaracterized COER’s message in order to do a hit piece on Ken Pickard.

In the process you did a grave disservice to the Whidbey community you serve.

Ken Pickard is not the issue. The Navy’s use of the outdated and unsafe OLF is the issue. Ken Pickard is but one member of the COER board of directors.

Ken believes in COER’s mission and has put his personal finances and reputation on the line as one of COER’s leaders.

Yes, he can be passionate and outspoken and he sometimes makes himself a target for demonization, but like all of the other COER leaders, Ken’s motivation is our community and not personal gain.

I am proud to be associated with Ken Pickard, and proud to work alongside him in COER.

The News-Times is part of the Whidbey Island community and should be putting its efforts alongside ours to help find a way to solve the island’s problems, not publishing hit pieces like this one.

This article was shameful.

So here’s a suggestion to rectify this wrong: Print the COER letter in its entirety without charge and let the Whidbey Island community read Ken’s words for themselves.

Let the community decide.

Paula Spina, secretary and director
Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve