My opponent deserved to win

This is a somewhat a belated letter of congratulations for Mr. Jim Palmer upon his election to the Oak Harbor City Council. I have told Jim personally and wished him well. My original plan was to offer my congratulations at the City Council meeting on Nov. 7 but Jim was called out of town on a personal matter.

Mr. Palmer worked very hard during his campaign and deserved to win. I think, as he said during the forums, people are looking for a new direction and my return would be looking back. I feel that if I had to lose an election, I have been beaten by another that has only the good of the city and its citizens at heart.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who supported me in this endeavor. It was a good and lively campaign, but with all contests there are those who are victorious and those who are not. I have lost nothing for I had the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with a true gentleman.

So congratulations Jim and to all the newly-elected candidates who will begin serving us, the citizens of Oak Harbor, in January ’08.

Bob Morrison

Oak Harbor