In response to the Burtons’ letter (Sept. 16, 2009), I am in full agreement with their suggestions. The nuisance of decibel levels almost twice a safe level and the resulting adverse health affects and degradation of quality of life is unacceptable!
Civilians all over the country are rising up and getting civicly involved to support legal action to curb the arrogant disregard for civilians living around military bases. The right of the federal government to expand bases and their operations at the expense of civilians does not trump the rights of local governments and other groups to act to curb their encroachment upon our environment!
After spending $3 trillion on Bush’s bloody follies, our country’s goal must be to reduce military forces dramatically.
Close 20 percent of bases, reduce its Goliath-sized use of 300,000 barrels of oil every day. We cannot afford this mindless waste with no benefit to any aspect of our society! And the multi-billion dollar contracts fattening the defense industry must end.
Janis Lentz
Ocala, Fla.