Men’s Chorus sells out

What a privilege to have the Seattle Men’s Chorus return to Whidbey Island to perform a benefit concert for CADA. The Performing Arts Center at South Whidbey High School was alive with the music of The Beatles as the chorus members performed “Come Together.” And what a privilege to have our community “Come Together” as we work with the men, women and children who are victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

What a privilege to have the Seattle Men’s Chorus return to Whidbey Island to perform a benefit concert for CADA. The Performing Arts Center at South Whidbey High School was alive with the music of The Beatles as the chorus members performed “Come Together.” And what a privilege to have our community “Come Together” as we work with the men, women and children who are victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

Thank you to our sponsors: Windermere Offices on Whidbey Island, Whidbey Island Bank, Harada Physical Therapy and Rehab Services, Puget Sound Energy, Whidbey Giving Circle, Whidbey Telecom, Collin Curtis and Jonathan Everidge.

With the help and support of our tickets outlets, we had a sold out performance and 600 community members enjoyed the music that brought them to their feet. Thank you to Wind and Tide Bookstore in Oak Harbor, Bayleaf in Coupeville, Bookbay in Freeland, Pickles Deli and Useless Bay Coffee and Moonraker Bookshop in Langley and Pickles Deli in Clinton for their kindness and support of our ticket sales.

Thank you, too, to the CADA board of directors who not only support the agency, but work tirelessly to fulfill their obligation of fundraising for the agency: Judy Lynn for coordinating the event, Cedric Niiro for coordinating the physical facilities, Barbara Ballard, Steve Harada, Carol Kerley, Jan Pickard and Trish Rose, president, for being a stellar leader.

Last, but not least, thank you to the great CADA staff for assistance and support, and to Georgia Gardner for assisting with the accounting duties.

Thank you all for “Coming Together” to support us in our work with the victims of domestic and sexual abuse. We are grateful.

Margie Porter, director
Citizens Against Domestic & Sexual Abuse (CADA