I am a friend of Chris Gomes and could not have said it better (Letters, Jan. 20). I spent 20 years in the Army including two years in Vietnam where I was a helicopter pilot so I am also somewhat qualified to pass judgement on this Lt. Watada case.
One thing that never comes up is the lieutenant received his commission through ROTC. That gave him four years to decide whether or not he wanted to have a military commitment upon graduation. He received pay and allowances, plus other scholarships, to attend a private college in Hawaii. I have never heard him volunteer to return the money he received. He just wants to only fight in the wars that he feels are just. I am sure with four years of ROTC he is highly qualified to decide that issue.
Fortunately for his men he chickened out before he could have caused them to be killed or injured by his true colors under fire.
Skip Lee
Mililani, Hawaii