Letter: Loves this country and is not willing to give up


I am devastated by the election of Donald Trump. To me, this means that much of the country — slightly less than the majority — believe that racism, sexual assault, discrimination against women, migrants, the LGBT community and anyone else that might cross your path is acceptable.

It totally invalidates my feelings about previous assaults and discrimination that I have experienced.

And I am scared.

I have previously said that I would consider leaving the United States of America if he were elected, but I am not leaving. I love the USA. But I will not stand idly by and let Trump, or his followers, destroy what I love about this country. I will fight his hate with love, and any other way I can.

I will not stand by for discrimination or bigotry of any kind.

I will continue to support communities that are different from mine.

I will continue to support the words on the Statute of Liberty — “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

I will be watching. I know the Constitution and I and others will ensure that it is followed.

I will be watching as he is tried for fraud and sexual assault.

I know that I must accept that he will be sworn in as president for the next four years.

But I will not give up the country I love.

Christine Crowell
