Losing patience with impatient

Just wanted to point out that your reporter, Justin Burnett, needs to brush up on his grammar skills. Not to be rude or anything, but he continuously uses the word “impatient” when he means to say “inpatient.” Two very different words with very different meanings. Hospitals have (noun) “inpatients.”

Just wanted to point out that your reporter, Justin Burnett, needs to brush up on his grammar skills. Not to be rude or anything, but he continuously uses the word “impatient” when he means to say “inpatient.” Two very different words with very different meanings.

Hospitals have (noun) “inpatients.”

“Impatient,” (adjective) refers to someone who lacks patience (not “patients”).

I overlooked the error the first time he misused the word but seeing it for a second time just really irks me.

There seems to be a plethora of hospital articles printed in the paper in recent months … all the more reason to make sure the reporter appears to be more educated.

Heather DeHay
