Letter: What is state representative trying to hide?


Republican state Rep. Dave Hayes failed to provide even a single email in response to a request for public records of his correspondence with companies that made major cash donations to his campaign, including: tobacco companies, which for decades lied to the public about the health effects of cigarettes; Comcast, which regularly appears at the top of the USA Today’s list of “America’s most hated” companies; BP, the oil company that was mostly responsible for killing 11 workers on the Deepwater Horizon rig and causing one of the worst environmental disasters in history; Novartis, a drug maker which paid $390 million to settle a lawsuit alleging it arranged kickbacks to pharmacies that pressured patients into refilling its drugs; and Entertainment Software Association., a Washington D.C. lobbying company that opposes regulation of ultra-violent video games for children.

Who does Dave Hayes represent? Who does he serve? What is he hiding from the public?

Eric Hood
