Letter: Tubman worthy of extra space in our history books


In his March 12 letter to the editor, Fred Wilferth laments ideology run amok when “textbooks devote two pages to Harriet Tubman and one paragraph to Abraham Lincoln.”

I have no idea if such a textbook even exists. But Tubman risked her life repeatedly to end the scourge of slavery. Lincoln clearly stated that he would have left slaves in bondage if it meant saving the Union.

Who’s the hero here?

And isn’t that a question that demands exactly the kind of independent thinking that Mr. Wilferth says he supports?

Fighting and courage and sacrifice in the name of human freedom — these formed the backbone of the principles our great nation was founded on.

Honoring people like Tubman with a little extra space on a page isn’t ideology.

It’s just good education.

William Walker

Oak Harbor