Letter: There’s blame to go around, but president failed us all


Regarding Mr. Hickey’s letter to the editor in the April 18 edition, “Name one Democrat who demonstrated leadership,” I could mention Jay Inslee, or Andrew Cuomo.

Mr. Hickey has made a hodgepodge of the timeline of events to create false propaganda. For example, by late January, the WHO had it right, even after deception by the Chinese government. Hard to explain why Trump still didn’t respond.

Trump blames the WHO, Chinese, Democrats — especially that “snake” Inslee — for his own ignoring of the CDC, the State Department, and our intelligence agencies, as well as Peter Navarro.

Until Fox News changed its tune, The Donald refused to acknowledge what was fed onto the president’s — his —desk and to mobilize our national government.

As for the Defense Production Act, it was called for by Democrats, and called unnecessary by Trump. There is blame to go around, but when the crunch came, Trump failed us all.

John Seyfried
