Letter: Thanks for sharing and editing my letter


I want to thank you for publishing my last letter in “real-time.”

Just to remind you of one thing about me, I write to express what I believe are the real issues of our time and only because I am embracing what Martin Luther King Jr., admonished us to do: To protest injustices and to challenge wrong-doing — read Trump’s behavior including his entire administration and his legion of followers.

But, what I really want to thank you for is your editing of my letters. You have always caused me to look so much better by “rearranging” my words to cause me to appear better than I can be. I wish I had been better able to attend to my earlier schooling years, my early formative years, in order to write out my thoughts more expertly.

God, but to be the one to write: “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, over a many acquaint and curious volume of forgotten lore.”

Finally, I’ve always known that God should be capitalized. However, what if the word God, only three letters, is just too small to express the reality of God … God the unknown, God the unknowable? And I do not embrace the “little” God.

Ever read “The Power of Myth,” by Joseph Campbell? In a manner of speaking, he says it all.

Larry Eaton

Oak Harbor