Letter: Support Blankenship, hospital levy on November ballot


I would like to ask the people of Whidbey Island to vote yes for Proposition #1 levy lid increase for WhidbeyHealth. We are one of the lowest tax funded hospitals in the state through property taxes and this increase will bring us up to around the middle of the hospitals.

On an average $400,000 property, the increase would be around $169 per year and help maintain an independent rural hospital, The Hospital Board of Commissioners are all committed to see WhidbeyHealth improve and succeed.

I would also ask that you vote to retain Kurt Blankenship as a commissioner. Kurt has been a huge asset to the board and the hospital with his legal and health care background. Each commissioner has one vote and the board has to work together to accomplish the goals set for the hospital. Kurt brings that willingness to the meetings along with tough questions that he has researched and studied. We need Kurt.

Ron Wallin

WhidbeyHealth commissioner